I have to admit, I love this series. It makes me laugh out loud, has a hot hero, funny as hell secondary characters, and a heroine who has named her boobs "Danger" and "Will Robinson". I ask you, what's not to love?
I am the first to admit, books written in first person are generally annoying as hell to me, but this series and the Anita Blake books, are the exception.
Fifth Grave Past the Light has Reyes leaving little post it notes on doors and being a cook in Charley's dad's bar, a serial killer, 27 dead woman in Charley's apartment, Garret Swopes acting really strange, hot sex, arson, and more hot sex. And let's not forget the coffee.
Artemis, Angel, Mr. Wong, and a naked dead guy in her jeep round out the chaos. You see, Charley Davidson is a grim reaper. Actually she is THE GRIM REAPER.
So spirits are attracted to her from everywhere in the world. And her boyfriend, he just happens to be the son of Satan. Literally.
I don't want to give too much away, but I cannot recommend this series highly enough, it's on my virtual Keeper Shelf. Right next to JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood and Fallen Angels series. Run out and get them all and be ready for a rollercoaster ride. You won't be sorry.
Reviewer- Jill